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R4SPISE2022 provide data, programs, and documentation for the SPISE-2022 Advanced Workshop on Sensory Evaluation (July 27, 2022 to July 28, 2022; to take place in Hanoi Vietnam).


You can install the development version of R4SPISE2022 with the following lines of code:

# if remotes is not installed, decomment the following line
# install.packages('remotes')

To install the vignettes while installing the package, then run the following commands:

  build_vignettes = TRUE,
  force = TRUE)


This is a basic example which shows how to solve a common problem:


## load data

data("sixBeers12Descriptors10Judges", package = "data4PCCAR")
beers <- sixBeers12Descriptors10Judges$ratingsIntensity

## run PCA
res.pca <- epPCA(beers, 
                 center = TRUE, # Center the data
                 scale = FALSE, # **Do not** scale the variables
                 graphs = FALSE) 

## generate plots for descriptive results       
res.plot.pca <- OTAplot(resPCA = res.pca,
                        data = beers)

## generate plots for inference results
res.plot.pca.inference <- OTAplotInference(resPCA = res.pca,
                                           data = beers)

List of main functions

  • OTAplot(): Core function to generate figures for descriptive results from one table analysis (i.e., principal component analysis; PCA)

  • OTAplotInference(): Core function to generate figures for inference results from one table analysis (i.e., PCA)

  • TTAplot(): Core function to generate figures for descriptive results from two table analyses (i.e., PLSC, CCA, and RA)

  • TTAplotInferenct(): Core function to generate figures for inference results from two table analyses (only PLSC for now)

  • PLSRplot(): Core function to generate figures for descriptive and inference results from partial least square regression (PLSR)

Other material

  • Principal Component Analysis paper.
  • Partial Least Square Methods: A review paper.
  • Canonical Correlation Analysis paper